We are committed to actively addressing conflicts, fostering resilience, and working in collaboration with people to thrive within their relationships and communities.

Our team facilitates conversations on challenging topics and creates an environment where transformative dialogue can occur.

We work with groups of people in businesses, religious communities, clubs, teams, and neighborhoods to grow the capacity to listen and understand one another even when they profoundly disagree.

Rana Haugen Core


Rana is a certified mediator and creative conflict resolution practitioner with individuals, families, organizations, and communities.

Rana has dedicated much of her energy and passion to work within the nonprofit realm. She co-founded and is the Board Vice Chair for CTA Wellness, a nonprofit organization bringing therapeutic support to trauma survivors.

She collaboratively ran Arts Expand, developing programs that combined creative arts and Nonviolent Communication.

This organization ran 12 sites throughout Los Angeles, including in free clinics and youth detention centers, and focused on houseless youth, former gang members, and other underserved communities. Rana is committed to finding alternatives to punishment and helping build cooperative classroom cultures and consults at private and public schools as part of this work.

One of her joys is sitting on the board and co-creating the curriculum of The Blackbird Alliance, a mentoring fellowship for young women of color and allies.

Sara Young, MPA

Sara works to resolve conflict and strengthen communities for the long-term. She is a certified mediator and has a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology where she studied theology and practiced deep listening and conflict resolution. She is awed and inspired by the moment during conflict when a win-win outcome becomes possible.

Some of her work focuses on connecting people with the resources and human services that help them to thrive in their neighborhoods and communities. She examines systemic influences that cause people to be vulnerable such as poverty, mental health, incarceration, and abuse.

She has a master’s degree in Public Administration where she focused on how city, state and federal governments operate, how to provide residents with public services and how to lead public service organizations.

She is dedicated to life-long learning about how oppressive social systems manifest inside her own relationships and the part that race plays in American society. She collaborates with other people with the same commitment to anti-racist action.

For more information about the work we do or to schedule an introductory 30-minute meeting with us, please email us at connect@fullcircleac.com.